Sunday, December 19, 2010


I just feel like distancing myself from others, from most people too. Why is that?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus - Must See!

This is incredible and I had to share it! Enjoy!


Why can't we all just communicate?! It is so frustrating to me. Why do we as people have extremely narrow views of things, people and the world? I am so frustrated right now. I am tired as being seen as who I was and not as I am. (Now as I say this I realize I am not perfect in this area and I NEED to work on it too, but nevertheless I am frustrated.) I am tired of selfish people who see things their way and only their way. I try to see things from others perspectives, I know I fall short but could others please cut me some slack from time to time and try to understand where I am coming from? I mean I get it your point of view is just as important as mine but please show some respect for mine as well. And please try to understand me, I try to understand you. AND I AM NOT A LITTLE KID AND NOR HAVE I BEEN FOR MANY YEARS AND WHAT I HAVE TO SAY IS NOT WORTHLESS OR POINTLESS. It has Value! So please listen! I try and do the same for you.