Thursday, December 9, 2010


Why can't we all just communicate?! It is so frustrating to me. Why do we as people have extremely narrow views of things, people and the world? I am so frustrated right now. I am tired as being seen as who I was and not as I am. (Now as I say this I realize I am not perfect in this area and I NEED to work on it too, but nevertheless I am frustrated.) I am tired of selfish people who see things their way and only their way. I try to see things from others perspectives, I know I fall short but could others please cut me some slack from time to time and try to understand where I am coming from? I mean I get it your point of view is just as important as mine but please show some respect for mine as well. And please try to understand me, I try to understand you. AND I AM NOT A LITTLE KID AND NOR HAVE I BEEN FOR MANY YEARS AND WHAT I HAVE TO SAY IS NOT WORTHLESS OR POINTLESS. It has Value! So please listen! I try and do the same for you.

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