Friday, October 29, 2010


Thorns in my side.
We all have thorns in our sides. We may not like them and they may cause great pains and or difficulties. Though at times I hate mine, ultimately I am grateful for thorns in my side, for these thorns help me turn to the Lord for His assistance. I like to think of them as "The Lord's Fail Safe System", He has for us. He gives us these thorns so that we humble ourselves and turn to Him, which draws us closer to Him and we grow further seated in the path that leads us back to Him. It's His fail safe system to ensure we make it back. Though many won't flip that switch that activates the Fail Safe System (which I think starts with prayer) because of pride and stubbornness, many more will. Sometimes it's activated out of shear desperateness and we have nowhere else to turn, or out of simple faith of knowing the Lord can help but no matter the reason for flipping the switch that fact that we do is what is important. So the effectiveness of the system is intact and one I am grateful for, regardless of the pains and struggles they cause me, because ultimately they help me back to where I want to be; with my Father in Heaven.
So I hope you take a moment and think of the Thorns in your side and take the time to be grateful for what I call "The Lord's Fail Safe System." Those thorns that if we'll flip the switch activates this System as we humble ourselves and turn to Him!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

You know it's funny how life can seem so bleak then in a short time the Lord shows you the great blessings He has for you.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Alone: pullings from my heart

Sometimes I feel alone. I can be surrounded by lots of people whom i know, yet I feel alone. People I know who care. Yet alone because no one knows me, no one knows who i am inside. They don't know my heart, the deepest parts of it. They don't know where I go when i'm in pain or when I feel so low. they don't see me. they don't see that i need to be seen. yet there i am in plain view, i'm not in a corner, I'm in front of you. I see you, but do you see ME? I dare say no, you don't for you seem to just over look, or through as if i am not there. Why must this be? I want to be seen, i want you to see, i must be seen. So where are my friends that see me? Where have they been hiding? I look and wonder do you see me? Do you know how much I want to be seen? Do you know i need to be seen? Do you know I am not as tough as i seem? I need thee, just as you need me.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

When i sat down to work on the blog I felt anxious and not at ease. But then I noticed someone had made a comment and suddenly things changed. I can't say I feel 100% better but it got mind off of things and that was a good thing, it is exactly what i needed.

Question do you ever think that you over think stuff? I think I do. For example i think i've over thought my recent interactions with some friends and what perhaps their thoughts were as well. When if I break it down there is nothing to concern myself with. I am just fine. I think it is just the insecure side of me popping up. It's a side I don't like to show, but it's a side of me and thus a part of me. We all have insecurities, so why need I worry. Things are just fine. T'inquiète pas! (Don't you worry!)